Board of Directors Meeting September 8, 2004



August 16, 2007

President Pinto called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

Members present: Joel Severance (Chester), Lou Allyn (Mystic), Mike Griffin (Norwalk), Norm Hewitt (Old Lyme), Peter Holecz (Bridgeport), John Pinto (Norwalk), and Geoff Steadman (Associate).

I. Previous Minutes

A motion to accept the minutes of the March 27, 2006 Board meeting was made, seconded and approved unanimously.

II. Treasurer’s Report

President Pinto reported a balance of $9,066.91 as of 8/16/2007. A motion to accept the Report was made, seconded and approved unanimously.

A motion to elect Mike Griffin as Treasurer on an interim basis was made, seconded and approved unanimously.

Norm Hewitt offered to look into an interest bearing checking account.

III. Structure of the Board

President Pinto opened the discussion with a description of the various sub-committees of the Norwalk Harbor Commission: dredging, water quality, finance, newsletter, harbor safety, plan & recommendations, application review and waterfront advisory. He then raised the question, did the CHMA wish to structure itself along these lines?

IV. Topics of Discussion

Notice of Permit Application

 John showed a stack of various permit notices that he has received. After some discussion about who gets copies of what when, Lou agreed to research the DEP process.

Newsletter and Website

    The goal is to publish an issue this fall. It was agreed that it would make sense to hire someone to write the articles and be the publisher. Geoff will see if he can find someone.

    Lou commented that he, as the webmaster, maintains the website but that content has to be provided to him.


    It was decided to hold the Annual Banquet in April 2008.

    An Annual Meeting is planned for Monday October 8, 2007 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at the Sound School Aquacultural Center in New Haven.

 Harbormaster Issues

    Mike expressed his opinion that the Harbormaster program should be moved out of the DOT and into the DEP where it would get more attention and funding. He will meet with Eleanor Mariani to discuss. He was asked to also press to have the process to appoint Harbormasters and Deputy Harbormaster sped up. And, is it still necessary to submit three names on reappointments?

Dock Management

    The DEP is working on visual impact standards.

    The State Building Inspector has stated that any object resting on the bottom is subject to local building codes.


    The State needs to get involved in funding dredging projects for amount above what the ACOE provides. The Dredge Coordinator and the CT Maritime Commission are developing a policy.

CHMA Board Membership

    Mike Griffin will send a letter to all Harbor Management Commissions with approved harbor management plans inviting them to join our Board.

DEP Relationships

   John will arrange a meeting with DEP personnel to discuss various issues before the Annual Meeting. Mike, Geoff and Joel are possible attendees.


Annual Meeting October 8, 2007


            The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

 Respectively Submitted By:  Louis Allyn, Secretary