Annual Meeting December 7, 2004



December 7, 2004 at, DEP Marine Headquarters, Old Lyme, Ct.

The 2004 Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Harbor Management Association was called to order by President Joel Severance at 10:00 a.m. A quorum was present.


A motion to dispense with reading of the minutes of the 2003 Annual Meeting was, made, seconded and approved. A motion to accept the Minutes of the 2003 Annual Meeting was made, seconded and approved.


Treasure Bob Sammis presented his report. The bank balance on hand as of 12/31/2004 was $6,959.06. The checking account was transferred to Webster bank for convenience and no monthly fees. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, seconded and approved.


The following officers and board members were elected:

President – Joel Severance

Vice President – Dr. John Pinto

Treasurer – Robert Sammis

Secretary – Louis Allyn

Directors – Peter Holecz, Ross Byrne, Michael Griffin, Geoffrey Steadman, and Norm Hewitt.

Executive Secretary – Mary vonConta


President Joel Severance proposed a motion to amend the By-Laws of the Association to add two more harbor commission directors. The motion was made, seconded and approved. Another motion was made, seconded and approved to amend Article V: Board of Directors Sec.1. Number and Qualification to read (changes in italics) “In addition one Director and one Alternate Director shall be chosen from among the Harbormaster Members and one Director and one Alternate Director shall be chosen from among the Associate Members. These Alternate Directors shall have full voting powers in the absence of these Directors.”

Sec.2. to read “The Harbormaster Members (s) or Associate Member(s) who is elected….


The Current Status of Harbor Management Plans in Connecticut was distributed. 


President Joel Severance gave his report.

The Annual Banquet went very well; praises for the facility.


Mike Griffin gave the Harbormasters’ Report. There is still no program in place for linking Harbormasters into Homeland Security. Currently one half of 52 Harbormaster candidates waiting for appointment by the Governor.


Geoff Steadman reported on the Dredging Task Force. Disposal sites have been put on hold. Congressman Bob Simmons will send a letter to the EPA in Boston requesting them to set a deadline for a decision. The Connecticut Maritime Authority will ask the new DEP Commissioner, Gina McCarthy, to appoint a dredging advocate. Geoff will attend a January 18, 2005 dredging meeting with the Army Corps of Engineers.


There was a discussion of the proposal to create a liquid natural gas facility in Long Island Sound.


The DEP is currently working to extend the No Discharge Zone to Guilford.


The next Board meeting will be announced at a later date.


The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m.


Louis P. Allyn
