Connecticut State Statutes

Harbor Management Commissions


Boating Laws

DEP Related Statutes

Search Connecticut State Statutes

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

Office of Long Island Sound Programs - This Office Coordinates programs within the DEP which have an impact on Long Island Sound and related coastal land and water. Its authority includes permits and regulations. It also provides grant funds for certain activities.

Permits This link describes the DEP OLISP Permit Program for activities in coastal waters

Download Permit and COP Application Forms and Instructions

Long Island Sound License Plate Program - Grants Available

Clean Vessel Act Program – Includes Pump Out Directory and Map

Clean Vessel Act Grants - For installing and operating Pump Out Stations


Connecticut Department of Agriculture

        Aquaculture Business and Technical Information Information


Connecticut Department of Transportation

Connecticut Department of Transportation - Harbormasters


EPA New England

Dredging – Long Island Sound and National Topics/Programs

Virtual Technology Trade Show for Storm Water and Waste Water Management


US Army Corps of Engineers, New England District

US Army Corps of Engineers, New England District

This is the District's Home page. Start here and follow links to read, Public Notices, State Update Reports, Press Releases, Transcripts of Public Hearings and much more. Under the Regulatory/Permitting heading you may download application forms and instructions for ACOE permits, read State Programatic General Permits and reports on the DAMOS monitoring system.

Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal Information

EPA New England: Potential Designation of Disposal Site(s) in Long Island Sound for Dredge Material Disposal

National Dredging Team: Introduction and links to much more information


Other Connecticut Organizations

The Connecticut Maritime Coalition

The Connecticut Marine Trades Association

The High Speed Ferry Safety Task Force of LIS


Charts and Navigational Aids

U S Coast Guard Local Notice to Mariners – District 1

NOAA Navigational Charts Page

NOAA Chart Corrections by Chart Numbers


Tide and Current Predictions

Longer time periods, larger tables and plots. Slow but nice.


Environmental Programs and Groups

The Long Island Sound Study - A cooperative effort involving researchers, regulators, user groups and other concerned organizations and individuals working improve the health of the Sound by implementing the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan completed in 1994

The Long Island Sound Assembly

Save the Sound - Save the Sound is a bi-state, non-profit membership organization dedicated to the restoration, protection, and appreciation of Long Island Sound and its watershed through education, research, and advocacy.

Norwalk River Watershed Initiative - The Initiative is a partnership among federal and state agencies, watershed towns, local groups, and residents to address local water quality and resource protection problems and opportunities in the Norwalk River Watershed

The Connecticut Audubon Society is the state's oldest and largest environmental education organization.



MARINE SANITATION : Fact vs. Folklore
This site has lots of good information about how to keep holding tanks and marine heads odor free and working well.


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