May 28, 2009
Location: The Sound School
Regional Vocational Aquaculture Center in New Haven
Attendees: Lou Allyn Mystic HMC,
Mary von Conta Fairfield HMC, John Roberge
Associate, Peter Holecz Bridgeport HMC, Joel
Severance Chester HMC, Mike Griffin Norwalk Harbor
master, Dr. John Pinto Norwalk HMC, Bernie Weiss
Stamford HMC, Ed Scinto Stratford HMC, Geoff
Steadman Associate, Don Landers East Lyme HMC, John
Henningson Guilford HMC, John “Sandy” McDonald
Darien HMC, John Craine Greenwich.
The meeting was called to order
at 4:00 pm by President Dr. John Pinto.
Upon request of the President a
motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously
to accept the minutes of the March 18, 2009 Special
Upon request of the President a
motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously
that the following be elected to the CHMA Board
contingent upon their Harbor Commissions joining
John Henningson, Chairman,
Guilford Harbor Commission
Devin Santa, Stratford Harbor Management Commission
Don Landers, Chairman, East Lyme Harbor Management
President Pinto commented “I believe the CHMA Board
constitutes a good distribution and mix of eastern
and western Connecticut Harbor Commissions.
According to our By-Laws, we have one more Board
seat to fill which I hope will be completed during
our August 20th Board meeting.”
Upon motion made, seconded and
approved unanimously Louis Allyn was elected
Treasurer and Mary von Conta was elected Acting Secretary.
Upon motions made seconded and
approved unanimously members to two committees were
charged and appointed:
1. Nominations committee: Identify Harbor(s) in
Connecticut that would qualify for Harbor of Year or
other award which illustrates improvements, enhanced
ambiance, or significant contributions in harbor
Joel Severance, Chairman
Peter Holecz
Don Landers
2. Annual Dinner Committee: Establish vendor and
exhibit displays/showcases, guest and/or keynote
speaker at Woodwinds Conference/Banquet Center in
Branford on September 24.
Mike Griffin
Geoff Steadman
John Pinto
John Roberge agreed to conduct
a review of Associate Memberships.
John Henningson agreed to write
a “white paper” regarding obtaining training for
A motion was made, seconded and
approved unanimously that President Pinto will write
a Freedom of Information letter requesting the
details of boat registration fees received by the
State of Connecticut.
Mike Griffin and Geoff Steadman
will represent CHMA on the Advisory Councils of LISA
(Long Island Sound Assembly)
The meeting was adjourned at
6:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted, Louis
Allyn, Secretary